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TS-Nano Technology
Seals off methane emissions from leaky oil & gas wells. Creates carbon credits.

Methane emissions from abandoned wellbores around the world are estimated at 2.5 million tons per year.

More than 3 million abandoned wellbores exist in the U.S. alone, conservatively estimated to emit nearly 300 kilotons of methane annually.

We have the technology to help.

TS-Nano's Nano-modified Sealants

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TS-Nano patented sealants are tailored to meet harsh conditions in leaky wellbores.

Our sealants penetrate, flow and seal very thin microcracks at subsurface temperatures up to 330oC (626oF) where other sealants do not flow. Our sealants are engineered with the flexibility and strength to withstand repeated cycles of pressure and temperature.

Vertically Integrated Carbon Credits Generation

TS-Nano uses Devvio’s DevvX Web3 platform for Carbon Credit Management

Devvio Technology TS-Nano Monitoring Services

Devvio’s platform is powered by a high-speed, high-throughput, ISO-compliant green blockchain that captures and manages extraordinary amounts of data while keeping it visible and accessible.

Combined with TS-Nano’s wellhead methane emissions monitoring services, Devvio’s DevvESG platform manages the resulting data, quantifying and certifying the relevant carbon credit inputs generated by each methane abatement effort.

It’s flexible, it’s Interoperable and it works.

TS-Nano in Numbers:
Combined Years in Experience
US Design Patents
Number of Wells Deployed
Countries Sealants Had Applied

Collaborated With

Applied By

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